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High Concept:

Clock Struck None is a 2-D

puzzle-platformer escape game.

Production Details:

Platform: PC

Roles: Graphics, Physics, Tools

Language: C++

Engine: Custom

Team Size: 6

Development Time: 8 Months


Making of

Clock Struck None was my Sophomore year game project at Digipen. The team prior to this consisted of just programmers. This provided the benefit of a mutual understanding of each persons task. With game and sound designers in the mix, the lack of concise information and communication resulted in halted progress. To remedy this the programmers provided better-encapsulated systems, object notations, required formatting, and repository guidelines. With these changes in place the team finished deadlines and completed well within the scope of the original vision of the game.


The game engine was built from scratch using C++. Graphics used DirectX 10, FMOD for audio, AntTweakBar for the level editor, and Mercurial for the repository.

Personal Contributions

Graphics Programmer
  • 2D graphics engine using DirectX 9 from scratch
  • Action list system for smooth camera/level transitions and cinematic's
  • Animation system using sprite sheets
Physics Programmer
  • Built a physics engine using impulse resolution for platformer physics from scratch
Tools Programmer
  • Assisted in creating level editor tools using AntTweakBar
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