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I will be a 2018 graduate from Digipen Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.  Specifically, my degree focused on real time interactive simulation and graphics.


Although I’ve maintained a lifelong interest in computers and technology, my interest in programming began once I started college.  I’ve always gravitated towards abstract systems and ideas, but once I realized that programming was a perfect means of exploring the abstract, I was on my way.  As I delved deeper into computer science, I realized the creative potential of programming.  I learned that code could not only bring an idea to life, but could visually present those ideas through graphics.  Once I realized this limitless creative potential, I knew I had found my passion.  I now know that anything I can imagine I can create with code, and I can’t see myself pursuing a career in anything else.  My dream is to bridge the world of art with the world of programming through my knowledge of both artistic mediums and computer graphics. 

About Me

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