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High Concept:

Arachnid is a fast-paced tower defense that mixes real time strategy with countless waves of spiders.

Production Details:

Platform: PC

Roles: Graphics, Gameplay

Language: C

Engine: Alpha

Team Size: 4

Development Time: 3 Months


Making of


Arachnid was my game project during freshman year of Digipen. Creating an engine from scratch exposed me to several streamlined processes that game engines provide. This includes how graphics API supply the means of outputting information sent to the GPU. The ability to read and play music by triggering specific events. Editor functionality to add additional content without considerable time costs. This seemingly infinite list caused me to appreciate the necessity of teamwork as a game consolidates several professions. Arachnid exposed me to the factors I never considered during game development, but most of all, it marked the beginning of my life as a game developer.

The game engine was built on top of Alpha Engine, which is more of a graphics wrapper. The engine itself is a component-based state machine built in C using OpenGL for graphics and FMOD for audio.

Personal Contributions

Gameplay Programmer
  • 2D grid system for tower placement using binary maps
  • Pathing AI for the spiders based on the grid system
Graphics Programmer
  • Custom sprite sheet animation system for 2D animated sprites
  • Backgrounds for the game
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