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High Concept:

A game based on skateboarding and the flow of motion. Players control a ball of light that executes combos of "tricks", causing bursts of light and sound. 

Production Details:

Platform: PC

Roles: Tools, Graphics

Language: C++, Zilch

Engine: Custom

Team Size: 9

Development Time: 8 Months


Making of

Synesthesia was my Junior year game project at Digipen. It can be fairly comfortable working in small teams. The overhead of adding additional functionality to an engine with a handful of developers is much simpler. A completely fresh team with a size approaching double digits puts a lot more pressure on maintenance. The days of adding new code with no repercussions are gone and the days of crossing your fingers in hopes that nothing explodes are in. Finding the solution to a problem is one step, but integrating it properly into the software is definitely not an optional one. It was immediately clear I had to think of scalability. Abstraction, templates, inheritance, modularity and design patterns made this task easier to swallow. I'm glad I worked on this game because it gave me a lot of perspective on the scale of larger company games.


The game engine was built from scratching using C++, Zilch for scripting language, QT for editor, JSON for object formatting, CMAKE for build systems, and Github for the repository.

Personal Contributions

Tools Programmer
  • Integrated QT user interface elements into existing C++ project
  • Renderer using DirectX 11 with keyboard/mouse camera control and object gizmos
  • Completely modular user interface with scaling and drag/drop features
  • Exposed object attributes for easy level editing
  • Dynamic component adding and deletion
  • Dynamic object creation and deletion
  • Level saving and loading from JSON formatted level files
Graphics Programmer
  • Assisted in adding Quaternions in engine
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